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An Analysis of Consumer Behavior Predictors, Influencing the Decision Making in Hospitality Industry

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 17 Issue 2

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Anil Kalotra | Author(s) Affiliation: Associate Professor, University School of Business, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India.
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The paper found the effect of demographic and psychographic variables on the decision making of consumers while they availed the Hospitality services. The paper is based on EBM model, as per which the decision-making process of consumers is influenced by many factors, those can be categorized in three main categories, which are environmental influences, psychological processes individual differences. The paper investigated the consumer behavior in hospitality Industry on the basis of effect of consumer behavior factors on their decisions to buy hospitality services. The consumer behavior factors those involved the responded were analyzed with the statistical tools like measurement of central tendency. The analysis was done with respect to the gender and it is found that female respondents were more influenced than male respondents, is was further revealed that some factors like personality role and status, need and culture. Influence the consumer behavior with a higher degree than the factors like social class, past experience, reference groups etc.

Keywords: Demographic, Status, Needs, Culture, Reference Groups

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