Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




An Empirical Study to Assess Moderating Impact of CRM Dimensions on Service Quality Perception- Tourist Satisfaction-Destination Loyalty Link

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 8 Issue 2

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Arup Kumar Baksi, Bivraj Bhusan Parida, Nibir Khawash | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM), as a business process, has been relatively understudied in the perspective of hospitality and tourism industry. The conventional dimensions of CRM were found to be instrumental towards augmentation of perceived service quality and vis-à-vis positive behavioural intent of customers. This study was an attempt to empirically identify the probable moderating effects of the dimensions of CRM on service quality perception-tourist satisfaction- destination loyalty link. The study was carried out in Santiniketan in West Bengal which has evolved as a major tourist destination over the years with plenty of scenic, ethnic and cultural flair. The study revealed that perceived tourist service quality; tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty can be correlated under the mediating effects of CRM. The default model also holds good to lend support to the theoretical findings.

Keywords: Customer-Relationship-Management, Tourist, Satisfaction, Destination, Loyalty, Service, Quality

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