Sangeeta Dhar, P.K. Sharma |
Watching television (TV) has become an integral part of everyday life of people. All members of family, children to elderly like to watch TV channels of their choice. Some get addicted to it to such an extent that they would not like to miss a serial of their choice. Religious channels are favorite of older people, while Doremon, Pogo, Nick are favorite channels for children. To take advantage of the availability of target audience on these channels
marketers include advertisements of their products which include food products like chocolates, biscuits, so called health drinks like Dew, Mazza,
soft drinks like Pepsi, Coca Cola, tasty foods like cheesy pizza with double layer of cheese, Mayonnaise, Maggie, McDonald, KFC and many more of
such type of products without considering whether the product is good for the target viewer or is unhealthy or harmful, till the demand is in flair. For greater impact advertisers promote food products associating with a healthy child or a slim women or a well-built man. For some products a celebrity is roped in. There is a well known saying in India that We are, What We Eat. This is proving correct in the present scenario as people appear to have forgotten the essence of simple eating and long living.
Keywords: Watching T.V., Food Habits, Avertisiments, Marketing
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