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Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Mediating Effect of Trust in the Tourism Industry with Context to Hotels

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 19 Issue 1

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Mubashir Majid Baba, Chitra Krishnan, Chehak Gera | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of Mgt. Studies, Islamic University of Science & Technology (State Univ.), Awantipora, J&K.
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In the present study, tourist behaviour and their perceptions about travelling are being observed to know about the short term and long term impact on the customer loyalty. Customer loyalty have been one of the critical factors in the business success of hotel operators. There are scores of factors and antecedents which leads to customer loyalty. The rationale of the study is to define the relationship between service quality using different variables like physical attributes, price, empathy, convenience to peruse cause of these factors on trust, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. As the hotel industry adds to the growth of overall countries economy it has become important to conduct research on this sector. The research is based on exploratory design of research with convenience sampling which supports to the extent of understanding the relationship between different variables and customer loyalty in hotel companies. Secondary data is also used to analyse the past researches. The research at its best provides the exploratory analysis of the quality of the service on the consumer loyalty and provide measures, subjected to limitations.

Keywords: Tourism, Hotels, Customer Loyalty, Service Quality

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