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Organizational Justice and Organizational Commitment of Employees in Star Class Hotels in Sri Lanka: A Dimensional Perspective

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 9 Issue 1

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Prasadini N. Gamage | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of HRM, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
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This paper attempts to identify the relationship between dimensions of Organizational Justice (OJ) and dimensions of Organizational Commitment (OC) of front-line employees in star class hotels in Sri Lanka. For the purpose of the study the researcher collected data from sample of 239 employees representing fifteen star class hotels located within Colombo City and Greater Colombo region by using a structured questionnaire. According to the statistical results, the correlation between IJ and AC is stronger than between IJ and other dimensions of Organizational Commitment. The study further reveals that there are positive significant relationships between Procedural Justice and dimensions of Organizational Commitment: Affective Commitment, Continuous Commitment and Normative Commitment. The statistical results of the study revealed that the Procedural Justice has the highest impact on Affective Commitment and Continuous Commitment. This paper provides further insight, for people who are responsible in handling employees as human resource managers of organizations, on how the perceptions and attitudes of employees affect organizational performance.

Keywords: Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment

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