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Re-Modelling the Hospitality Business using Artificial Intelligence as a Strategic Tool

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 17 Issue 2

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Hima Gupta | Author(s) Affiliation: Professor, ILM University, Gurugram, Haryana, India.
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There is a palpable rise of artificial intelligence (AI) application in the hospitality industry. This phenomenon is a potent competitive equalizer allowing hospitality firms to stay competitive with the changing dynamics of operative aspects. Internet of things (IoT) enabled connection of motion sensors, room control, and smart voice control are a few of the AI applications that can change hotel functions. This can relieve hotel staff from time-consuming chores. The aim of this study is to identify the usage of Artificial Intelligence in the hospitality industry. Also to see how far it is successful in Asia as compare to other countries worldwide. AI’s power to enhance communication flow both inside and outside of hotels between service and guests can transform overall interactions with guests. Despite the benefits, the future cannot rely completely on hotel staff completely replaced by AI and chatbots. Instead, information management and AI-powered virtual assistants are functioning as a complementary factor in synchronizing the operations of critical elements that in turn create a streamlined hotel management system. The researcher has done a thorough literature review and found that very few people have worked in the area of usage of Artificial Intelligence as a tool in the hospitality industry.

Keywords: Competitive Equalizer, Human Factor, Internet of Things, Operational Efficiency, Synchronicity of Information

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