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Reimaging Conflict Exhibited Destinations (CED) Through Recovery Marketing Strategies

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 13 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Ashaq Hussain Najar, Gordhan K. Saini | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Prof., Central Univ. of Kashmir, Dept. of Tourism Studies, Jammu & Kashmir, India.
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The areas which are meant for the tourist activities across the state or country are called as destinations and the detonations which are subjected to any crisis cause decline in the tourist influx at the destination. Most of the time tourists avoided conflict destinations; political instability and other conflict stuff affect tourism activities, which leads to solemn tourism crisis and less inflow of tourists. This paper argues that political uncertain tourist destinations should incorporate selected marketing/management strategies to protect and rebuild their image to reassure potential visitors for the visit of these destinations. For rebranding these destinations as safe and secure destinations the data was collected from both Primary and secondary sources, which was collected through self-design structured questionnaire administered to Destination Management/Marketing Organisations (DMOs). Data was analysed through regression analysis and factor analysis. The paper recommends that if collaborative marketing with prominent media partners will be adopted it will help the DMOS to rebrand the destination like Kashmir valley as a safe and secure destination, also through the involvement of local community can lead a very positive results in terms of gaining confidence and trust in the minds of tourists which in turn lead the increase in tourist influx.

Keywords: Recovery Marketing, Branding, Collaborative Marketing, Destinations

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