Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




Uttranchal Tourism - Branding A Tourist Destination

Journal of Hospitality Application and Research

Volume 2 Issue 1

Published: 2007
Author(s) Name: Dr. P.B.Singh, Ritesh Kumar Saxena
Locked Subscribed Available for All


Tourism has been one of the popular modes of recreation for almost everyone. People travel to places other than their hometown / state/country to take a break in their routine life. Countries like Paris, NewZealand, Malana, Lasvegas, Australia; Goa etc. have been some of the most popular desinatoins for International tourists due to their natural grandeur, pilgrimage or historical importance. They spent huge amount of money for their favourite destinations. Tourism and travel has now become one of the largest generators of wealth and employment. It could boost the country's economically sprodically. Time has come for India to think globally for developing Tourism and Travel. Although tourist arrival in the country has crossed 3 million mark by 2006 but it is merely a drop into the ocean if we compare it with Spain.

Since 2004, National Tourist officer (NTO) have started making use of LPG mantra, developed awareness among travel agents by providing USP's of the destination all in a attempt to brand a destination, we have witnessed how Kerala, Kamataka, Goa and Andra Pradesh has been able to , develop themselves as a "Brand Destination" for tourism, but the newly established Uttaranchal state, full of flora and fauna, is yet to raise a voice as a branded destination. In this paper an attempt has been done to highlight the strengths and weakness of this destination with an attempt to develop a strategy to brand Uttaranchal as a most sought-after tourism destination.

Keywords: tourism, uttranchal

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