Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




An Empirical Analysis of the Various Factors that Influence the Motivation of School Teachers

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 2 Issue 2

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Debarshi Roy, Palas R. Sengupta | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Commerce , University of North Bengal, India
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Teachers constitute an important part of a school organization. The motivation of teachers to perform to their best at work in school directly influences the performance of a school. Thus it is imperative on the part of the school management to be aware of the various factors that influence the motivation of school teachers and try to optimally manage these factors to create the best motivating environment for the teachers to perform. This study dealt with the various factors that influence the motivation of teachers and their relative significance .The study involved two focus group discussions and a questionnaire survey involving a random sample of teachers from North Bengal (N= 111) which included primary, middle, and high school teachers. The results were analyzed and subsequent inferences were drawn. This study was significant for management professionals as it presented a comprehensive view of the factors that influence the motivation of teachers and thus helped to design approaches for teacher motivation.

Keywords: Teachers, System, Education

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