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An Empirical Assessment of Workplace Spirituality and Its Outcomes

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 8 Issue 1

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Rupa Rathee, Pallavi Rajain | Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof., Dept.of Mgt. Studies, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Univ. of Science and Tech., Haryana
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Workplace spirituality cannot simply be defined as a combination of two words “Workplace” and “Spirituality” as work and spirituality seem to be mutually exclusive domains. Previous literature suggested that several variables are used to indicate the impact of spirituality at workplace. Therefore, owing to the accumulating evidence regarding the benefits of workplace spirituality for organizations as well as their stakeholders, the authors undertook a study to find the factors influencing workplace spirituality and their impact on spirituality outcomes for employees in Multi-National Companies (MNCs) in National Capital Region (NCR) in India. The sample included Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, and Haryana with a sample size of 185 using convenience and judgmental sampling. First, the data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to check the validity and reliability of the measuring instrument. Five factors were identified using, EFA, i.e., inner life, meaning and purpose, spirituality and religion, spiritual learning, and spirituality outcomes. Further, confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the discriminant and convergent validity of the scale along with the goodness of fit. The measurement model indicated goodness of fit. In accordance with the examination conducted already, this investigation strengthened the contention that Indian employees who have quality connections in work, significant assignments to perform, and adjust their qualities and authoritative qualities will probably have better outcomes.

Keywords: Workplace, Spirituality, Employees, Meaning, Inner Life

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