Wednesday, 05 Feb, 2025




An Empirical Study of Workplace Bullying in Health Sector in India: A Diagnostic Gender-Specific Analysis

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 2 Issue 2

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Urvashi Makkar, Rinku Sanjeev | Author(s) Affiliation: Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad, U.P, India.
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Workplace bullying is a global phenomenon, not restricted to a region, sector, society or country, having endless ramifications on organizational culture and environment at macro level. Not only this, it affects the employees at micro level too by having significant impact on their performance, competence, motivation, and retention. In the backdrop of these widely prevalent concerns, the objectives of the current research are focused to determine the pervasiveness of workplace bullying among nurses and to find the factors influencing different forms of bullying. Besides these, one more dimension pertaining to gender association has been explored. The major research objectives of the current paper are to identify various forms of the workplacebullying behaviour experienced by nurses (targets) and based on that to develop theoretical models on Workplace Bullying Behaviour (WPBB). Also, the impact of gender on workforce bullying has been analyzed.

Keywords: Psychosomatic Model, Health Organization, Workforce Bullying, Workplace Bullying Behaviour

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