Tuesday, 11 Mar, 2025




Core Self-Evaluation as a Predictor of Meaningful Work and Altruism: Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediator

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 9 Issue 1&2

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Rohini S. Nair | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Bhavan’s Royal Institute of Management, Kochi, Kerala, India.
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With an increasing demand for the educational system, teachers face the challenge of managing present-day students. To meet the change in outlook of students towards education and its purpose, teachers shoulder the responsibility of redefining the pedagogy to improve the quality of education. In this, the ability of teachers as well as the support of schools are important factors. Strong belief in oneself and one’s own capability act as a precursor to several positive outcomes. It fosters greater levels of optimism and a totally different outlook on every aspect. It provides deeper insight into one’s work, thereby improving its meaningfulness. Extant literature also points towards the fact that belief in one’s own ability may act as a predictor in developing a sense of helping others. Along with individual capability and positive behaviours, the support extended by the institution is also highly essential. The present study, thus, attempts to uncover this and understand the relationship of core self-evaluation and meaningful work and altruism and the mediating role of organizational support in these relationships. The study was carried out among 560 school teachers in Kerala. The results indicated that there exists a relationship between core self-evaluation, meaningful work and altruism. It was also found that the perceived organization support acts as a mediator in this relationship between core self-evaluation, meaningful work and altruism. The result focuses on the significance of both individual factors as well as organizational factors in improving the quality of the educational system.

Keywords: Core Self-Evaluation, Meaningful Work, Altruism, Perceived Organizational Support, Teachers, Mediating Role

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