Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Devolving the Thought on Workplace Emotions for Gainful Research: A Theoretical Reflection

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 6 Issue 3

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Continue Anddison Eketu, Okaomee Anastesia Ayondu | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Management, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
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The present paper presents a critical and analytical discussion on emotional intelligence in the workplace. The paper chronicles major scholastic attempts that have propagated academic consciousness on the study and intricacies of emotions at the workplace. It identifies emotional intelligence as central to workplace harmony and proposes emotional capital theorising to develop both individual and organisational emotional assets. The paper views workplace emotions as occurring in the abstract or in the soul state of man therefore, requiring dominantly life occurring data for its research. Thus, the ideographic research methodology deriving its justification from subjectivism as a suitable research philosophical assumption is deemed appropriate for inquiry into the universe of human emotions. The paper also contends that the foregoing being dominant may be supported by primed nomothetic research instrument to produce data triangulation for evidences that may be closer to the truth.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Competencies, Social Intelligence, Alexithymia, Intelligent Quotients

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