Wednesday, 05 Feb, 2025




Effectiveness of Training Evaluation in Autoancillary Industry

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 5 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Swati Agrawal, Khagendra Nath Gangai | Author(s) Affiliation:
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In todays dynamic and competitive world, organizations also need to be dynamic in nature. One of the most important needs of a dynamic organization is right talent. In the labour market of India, though we have a large number of human resources, but skilled workers are very less in numbers. So all organization basically focus on hiring potential candidates and then in training them according to the job profile, skill sets required, and culture of the organization. These training processes involve a large amount of investment, it becomes imperative to analyze benefit of it. The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of training for workers and different factors affecting for which study has been done in auto-ancillary Industry. A total of 120 samples were collected for the study from various organizations in the auto-ancillary industry. The Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation was used, which includes reaction, learning, behavior, result as four main dimensions to check the effectiveness of any training programme. The result reveals that the training need identifications have significant impacts on training effectiveness. There is a positive significant relationship among the variables such as training need identification (TNI), reaction, learning, behavior, results, and training effectiveness. Similarly, age and experience have significant influence on training effectiveness, but qualification has no significant influence on training effectiveness. The demographic variables such as age, experience, and qualifications are observed that there has significant influence on the common factor which is leaning during the training programme.

Keywords: Training Evaluation, Training Effectiveness, Training Need Identification, Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, Results

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