Friday, 14 Mar, 2025




Employee Retention and Engagement in Indian IT Companies

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 5 Issue 3

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Mihir Dash, Arpana Muthyala | Author(s) Affiliation: Alliance University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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Employee engagement is the process through which employees develop a deep attachment with their organization, driving them to work more actively towards organizational goals. The present study examines engagement levels of employees across gender, age, functional domains, and experience levels in Indian IT companies and their impact on retention. It was found that the critical dimensions of employee engagement were: performance evaluation and development, managers support, and effective leadership. Also, it was found that employee engagement levels follow a life cycle. Thus, IT companies should design their employee engagement programs to offer mentoring for less-experienced employees and autonomy and participation in decision-making for more-experienced employees.

Keywords: Employee Engagement, Retention, Performance Evaluation & Development, Manager’s Support, Effective Leadership

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