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Factors Influencing Employee Motivation in Indian University: A Case Study of Banaras Hindu University

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Durga Wati Kushwaha, Radha Krishan Lodhwal | Author(s) Affiliation: Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh, India
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This paper is an attempt to identify the role played by rewards (Payment, Promotion, etc.) in motivating employees. The study explores factors determining rewards and their level of contribution towards employee motivation along with the relationship between rewards and motivation and differences in the motivation of employees based on the demographic variables. Descriptive statistics is used in the study to provide information on demographic variables. The results are analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics followed by inferential statistics on the variables. The study revealed multiple factors affecting employee work motivation and performance which have got their own unique approach, significance and contribution towards motivation and performance that elevate and maximize organizational progress. A quantitative methodology was used for the study and questionnaire method was used as the measuring instrument. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to respondents and a total of 202 employees completed the questionnaire. The four independent variables of reward included, payment, promotion, recognition, benefits and the dependent variable was employee work motivation. The results indicate that there is a statistical significant relationship between all of the independent variables with dependent variable employee work motivation, all the independent variables have a positive influence on employee work motivation and results also showed that among four independent variables, promotions was most important and more influential variable.

Keywords: Payment, Recognition, Motivation, Promotion

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