Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Impact of Person Job Fit, Person Organisation Fit and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 13 Issue 1

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Tanisha Kansal, Palas Ranjan Sengupta | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Commerce, University of North Bengal, West Bengal, India.
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The present study aims to investigate the influence of three key independent variables – Person Job fit (PJ fit); Person Organisation fit (PO fit) and Job Satisfaction – on employee performance in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal. The participants are school teachers of Siliguri sub-division of Darjeeling district. The collected data has been analysed using multiple linear regression. The main objective is to discern the effect of PO fit; PJ fit and job satisfaction on the performance of the school teachers. The findings show a significant relation between PJ fit, PO fit and Job satisfaction, and teacher’s performance. Enhanced employee attendance, reduced intention to leave and increased productivity are linked to strong alignment between employees and their jobs and overall organisational environment. The implication of these findings for educational institutes are profound, suggesting strategies to foster improved alignment between teacher attributes and skills, values and goals and organisational context, thereby enhancing overall teacher effectiveness and growth of the educational institutions.

Keywords: Person Job Fit, Person Organisation Fit, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance

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