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Logical Framework Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives of Indian Paper Industry

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 5 Issue 4

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Suchitra Pandey, Parul Rishi | Author(s) Affiliation: Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Indian paper industry depends on natural resources for its raw material supply, hence it has to balance both paper production and natural resource consumption for its survival and sustenance. Any imbalance in this regard can pose threat to this industrys survival on one hand and put adverse impact of this industry upon environment on the other. The present paper analyses how some of the paper industries falling under the ambit of CSR clause 135 are taking initiatives for CSR and sustainability in order to have responsible and sustained existence in the corporate world. This study tries to probe into the areas where there is more requirement of CSR expenditure and scalability/replicability of CSR projects. Gap analysis has also been done to see the gaps between the amount allocated for CSR initiatives and the amount actually spent. The paper proposes a logical framework for CSR that is based on Bertelsmanns iooi method with certain modifications by inclusion of moderators like ethics, values, legal obligations, knowledge and skills that influence decision on CSR initiatives. The various efforts taken by paper industries for CSR projects, their monitoring and evaluation shall stand as an answer to CSR clause 135. Though the clause is in its initial phase, but the study shall help analyse if organisations are living up to the spirit of the clause and contributing for the benefit of environment and community. The study concludes that with the coming up of the clause, the focus on CSR has increased. Also, there have been efforts on the part of industries to comply with the clause but standard planning and evaluation frameworks have to be followed.

Keywords: Paper Industry, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment, Community Development, Sustainability, India

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