Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Manpower Study: Analysis of a State Technical University

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 6 Issue 3

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Sanjeev Chaddha, Navjayot | Author(s) Affiliation: Prof. & Head, Mgt. Development Centre, Mahatma Gandhi State Institution of Public Admin., Chandigarh
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The historical role of human resources has changed since its inception in the early 1900s. Noted thinker L. F. Urwick says, Business houses are made or broken in the long run not by the markets or capital, patents or equipments, but by men. Human resource today is a strategic partner in planning and attaining organisational policies and goals. Todays business climate puts the obligation on the Human Resource (HR) department to accept the challenge of doing more with less, while contributing value toward business objectives. Human resources also seeks to address the rapidly changing conditions affecting the type of employees required and their changing needs, therefore HR planning has become an integral part of all organisations. Manpower study is a process that sets the stage for a true transformation in human resources strategy and services. It links HR systems and services to organisational objectives while focusing on the needs of the internal customers in the areas such as employee retention, training, employee compensation, and virtually any process or practice within the organisation that affects its people. This study was undertaken for a state technical university to analyse the manpower situation, therein. The team carried out detailed study of HR department of the university and its present functions. The study also analysed various HR functions of the university like recruitment, promotion, performance appraisal, career advancement etc. to evaluate the standing of the university on this count. Pareek and Raos model was extensively used to analyse the data. On detailed analysis it may be safely concluded that the university HR department did not have well differentiated structures appropriate for HRD nor was the integration of all HR functions being carried out. The review of HRD practices as per the Pareek and Raos Model applied to the university, gives a bleak picture of the policies and practices being followed therein.

Keywords: HR, Manpower Audit, Human resources, Manpower Study, HRP, Human Resources Planning, Manpower Planning, Organisation Development

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