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Measuring Work-Life Balance Among Married Women IT Professionals, School Teachers and Self-Employed

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 8 Issue 2&3

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: A. Pandu | Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof. of Commerce and Principal Investigator – UGCs Major Research Project, Pondicherry Univ
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Work-life balance (WLB) is very imperative for all married women IT employees, school teachers and self-employed. Hence, this study deals with the WLB of married women employees of these sectors with 220 samples from Chennai. Factors namely Workload and responsibilities, Work Environment, Family dependents, Feelings about work, Absence from the job, Work-Family conflict and Family-Work conflict are the predictors of WLB in this study and WLB is the central variable of the study. Job satisfaction and Labor Turnover Intentions are the outcomes of WLB according to this study. One-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) are the statistical tools used for data analysis. It has been discovered that Feelings about Work (FAW) is the most influencing factor of WLB and there is a significant difference between job description and the variables affecting WLB except for Absence from work variable. Besides, it is also identified that there is no significant difference among job descriptions with that of job satisfaction and Attrition. It has also been discovered that WLB is significantly correlated with labor turnover intentions at .197 coefficients (5%) and negatively with Attrition at .039. As per the SEM Model, Family Work Conflict influences the WLB at .68 coefficients and in turn, job satisfaction is improved by WLB at .70 coefficients for Model-I and .56 coefficients for Model-II. As a result, the job satisfaction affects the labor turnover intentions/quitting of self-employment at .75 coefficients each for Model-I and Model-II. Hence, the reduced working hours, shared workload, revised salary slabs, and better infrastructure end up in peaceful WLB and job satisfaction.

Keywords: Work-Life Balance, Workload, and Responsibilities, Feelings About Work, Absence from Work, Work-Family Conflict, Family-Work Conflict, Work Environment, Family Dependents, Job Satisfaction

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