Wednesday, 05 Feb, 2025




Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction of Banking Employees: A Descriptive Study

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 3 Issue 2/3

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Sudhir Chandra Das, Wasif Ali | Author(s) Affiliation: Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Job Satisfactions (JS) as well as impact of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of banking employees in Varanasi District. The research is descriptive in nature and consists of 90 respondents complying sample size in the ratio of 1:1 among 7 public and 7 private banks from Varanasi District. It adopts proportionate stratified random sampling approach to gather the primary data. The Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS, 2002) consisting 16 items and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ, 1967) with 20 items have been used for measurement of Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction respectively. Application of Spearmans rank correlation reveals significant relationship between components of Emotional Intelligence i.e. Self-emotion appraisal (.056), Use of emotion (.026), and Job Satisfaction at 95% level of significance. Further the Ordinal Regression Analysis, Pseudo-R2 i.e. Cox and Snell 31.6%, Nagelkerke 31.6% and McFadden 6.00% indicates moderate influence of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction. Finally, results of Mann Whitney U Test reveals that there is no significant relationship between six demographic characteristics and emotional intelligence of banking employees in Varanasi District.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction, Public, Private, Banking Employees, and Correlation

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