Friday, 14 Mar, 2025




Stakeholders Perceptions about Cyclone Risk Management and Institutional Accountability in Eastern Odisha

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 6 Issue 1 & 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Dharmendra Hota, Parul Rishi | Author(s) Affiliation: Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Natural calamities, particularly cyclones, are devastating as they cause serious damage to infrastructure, natural resources, cattle and human population, as a whole. Among all other natural disasters, cyclones are quite prevalent in eastern coasts of India. Just in the year 2013 and 2014, cyclones colliding on the coastal Odisha, continuously brought in huge damages to habitats, natural resources and allied infrastructure. As an aftermath, there is a likelihood of long lasting physical, psychological and social consequences, posing a big challenge to the surviving population as well as to the Odisha Government and other agencies. Thus, the present study builds itself on the perceptions of stakeholders about cyclone risk management and institutional accountability in eastern Odisha. Sample included 120 respondents representing the fisherman dominated and mixed caste village inhabitants to assess the risk management and institutional accountability with reference to cyclone affected population of Eastern Odisha along with understanding the psychological/behavioral consequences of cyclone on people. A specially designed questionnaire Cyclone Impact Assessment and Adaptation Index (CIAAI), was used. Level of institutional accountability was equally perceived by both male and females, may be due to government and non-government organizations paying equal attention to both of them to create awareness about calamities in rural and urban areas. Media has also contributed to develop positive awareness about cyclone preparedness during pre-cyclonic conditions. Both male and females were equally convinced of the support rendered by village/town, environment and disaster management institutes when cyclone hits the coast and male and females also equally availed basic facilities from the government and non-government agencies during cyclonic conditions. No positive correlation between the increasing age of the respondent and institutional accountability was found. In regard to cyclone risk perceptions too, no gender differences were found. Results were discussed in the line with various, models of cyclone vulnerability assessment/management and recommendations for future preparedness at micro and macro level were extended.

Keywords: Institutional Accountability, Natural Resources, Calamities, Habitat, Collided & CIAAI

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