Friday, 14 Mar, 2025




What does it Mean to be an Engineer?

Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour

Volume 5 Issue 3

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Chitrita Prusty, Ashish Kumar Dwivedy | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept of Humanities & Social Sciences,Inst of Technical Edu & Research,Siksha Anusandhan Univ,Odisha
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The present paper outlines the scope and significance of studying engineering culture with a view to gain insight into the nuances of one of the most preferred professions of the day. In doing so it highlights the need for an occupational, and not an organizational lens to make sense of human behavior at workplaces. Resting on the theoretical premises of Durkheim, Comte and Tonflies, the paper argues that occupation, or occupational culture, unlike organizational culture, is not restricted to a single organization. It spans across organizations. The paper cites studies that portray engineers as technophiles, experts, result oriented, aggressive and independent. It also cites studies that show engineers as poor communicators with inadequate team skills. While contending that culture, including occupational culture, differs across nations, the present paper points at a serious dearth of studies examining engineering culture from an Asian or Indian perspective. It further states the utility of such studies and outlines areas of future research.

Keywords: Culture and Communication, Occupational Culture, Engineering Culture, Cultural Studies

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