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Integrating System Dynamic Approach to Explore the Dynamic Nexus between Sustainable Development and Rural Vulnerabilities

Journal of Rural and Industrial Development

Volume 8 Issue 2

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Aniruddh Vijay | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Prof., Dept. of Mgt. Studies, J. C. Bose Univ. of Science & Tech., YMCA, Haryana.
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In the year 1972, the then Indian Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi, at the United Nation’s Conference at Stockholm, concentrated on the theme of “Human Environment” and mentioned that the eradication of poverty was an important element in achieving an environment-focused strategy goal in the entire world. Various concepts, such as interrelatedness, shared planet, global citizenship, and ‘spaceship earth’ cannot be limited to environmental issues alone. There are strong links between human development and inter-related responsibilities. Indian history has shown large inequalities, leaving almost three-fourths of the world’s people living in the under-developed countries and one-fifth of the population living below than the line of poverty. The long-term effects of past industrialization, exploitation, and environmental damage cannot be wished away. It is only right that development in this new century be even more conscious of its long-term impact. The problems are complex and the choices difficult. A common future can only be achieved with a better understanding of our concerns and shared responsibilities. Under the broader context of the outlined discussion, the researcher has applied a system dynamic approach and developed a stock-flow model to represent the various links between existing rural vulnerabilities and sustainable development.

Keywords: System Dynamic, Stock Flow, Social Vulnerabilities, Sustainable Development

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