Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Skill Gap Analysis: A Review of Hospitality Sector in Assam

Journal of Rural and Industrial Development

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Mokhalles Mohammad Mehdi | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor of Marketing, School of Business, The Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam
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Travel & tourism is the fastest-growing industry in the world. Tourism has become a way of earning the revenue for every country in the world. Assam is a unique cultural place in India known for its romantic air in all the seasons. People from the different part of Asia have migrated to Assam and settled due to its scenic beauty, natural heritage, and rich cultures. The tertiary sectors gross state domestic product (GSDP) share has been growing in Assam over the years from 2004–2005 to 2010–2011. Hotels, trade and restaurants, public administration, and storage are the key drivers of tertiary share growth in Assam. Due to the growing demand in tourism and hospitality sector, the present study aims to assess the requirement of skills and talent in the hospitality sector of Assam. The purpose of the research paper is to identify the type of skilling required in the hospitality sector in Assam. Secondly, it aims to analyse the skill gap in the hospitality sector in Assam. Thirdly, it aims to determine the district-wise human resource requirement for the specified sector in Assam. In order to achieve the objectives, secondary data were collected from Census 2011, Central Statistical Organisation, Economic Survey of Assam 2010–11, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and ICRA Management Consulting Services Limited (IMaCS) analysis in the areas of hospitality sector. The secondary data were collected at district level in Assam with the focus on the hospitality sector of Assam. The study is intended to provide the status of skills’ requirement in the specified growth sector. Furthermore, the study will focus on estimating the district-wise human resource requirement in Assam for a period 2011–2021. This study will bridge the gap of skill and talent requirement for the hospitality sector in Assam.

Keywords: Assam, Hospitality Sector, Human Resource, Skill Gap

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