Saturday, 21 Sep, 2024




Understanding Rural Retailer at the Base of the Fortune Pyramid

Journal of Rural and Industrial Development

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Nilamadhab Mohanty | Author(s) Affiliation: Institute of Rural Management Anand, Anand, Gujarat, India
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The literature in the field of rural marketing has paid little attention to intra-rural transaction. However, approaches towards inclusive marketing and rural market development are incomplete without clarity on rural to rural transaction. In this article an attempt has been made to understand the rural to rural transaction in the context of rural retail units. Identification of the supportive features, appreciation of organizational limitations of the business, and design of alternative revenue options were found as three strategies adopted by rural retailers to build a profitable enterprise. Compatibility and desirability of the revenue alternatives have been discussed to be the indicators determining the importance of each of these strategies. Implications are discussed both for commercial ventures involved in rural marketing as well as for agencies concerned with the design and implementation of income generating programmes in rural areas.

Keywords: Intra-Rural Transaction, Rural Retailing, Income Generating Activities, Rural Marketing

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