Friday, 07 Mar, 2025




An Interpretive Structural Modelling for Studying the Effect of E-Consumer Behaviour on Companys Value Chain

Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems

Volume 12 Issue 2

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Abhinav Pandey, Arvind Banger, Rohit Rajvanshi, Eti Jain, Ayushi Srivastava | Author(s) Affiliation: Faculty of Social Sciences, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed Univ.), U.P., India
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An E-Consumer differs from a regular consumer in many aspects. There are many additional parameters involved in online transactions vis-a-vis offline ones. For example, the physical evidence, one of the Ps in the marketing mix, is very different for a brick-and-mortar consumer and an E-Consumer. An E-Consumer gets affected by the design and user-friendliness of the website, online customer service available, etc. A company’s value chain needs to be flexible enough to respond to the needs of the online consumer by incorporating advancements in technology. This paper begins with the development of a conceptual framework that explores dimensions of marketing, artificial intelligence and value chain affecting the company. The model is further explored to enlist identified variables, and identify their contextual relationship using Nominal Group Technique. Interpretive Structural Modelling and Matrice d’impacts croisés multiplication appliquée á un classment analysis have been adopted to understand the complex interrelationships amongst identified variables and to create a simpler hierarchical structure to understand the effect of E-Consumer behaviour on a company’s value chain.

Keywords: E-Commerce, Big Data, Marketing Intelligence, Interpretive Structural Modelling, MICMAC, Systems Approach, E-Consumer Behaviour

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