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Factors Contributing to Agro-Logistics Performance Improvement from an Ethiopian Context

Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems

Volume 12 Issue 3

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Busha Temesgen | Author(s) Affiliation: Addis Ababa University, College of Business & Economics, School of Commerce, Ethiopia.
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Agriculture is considered as the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy. The study aims to examine the factors that contribute to the agro-logistics performance improvement. Factors such as regulations and policies, coordination among stakeholders, custom procedures, information technology and communication network usage, transport and warehouse facilities and building human competence were considered. Descriptive and correlational designs were employed to address study objectives. Primary data collected using questionnaire with Likert scale was used. In total, 201 respondents were selected to whom questionnaires were distributed. A total of 151 usable responses were obtained and used for the analysis. Data collected were analysed using mean, median and frequencies along with correlation test to show relationships. The level of importance of aligning logistics related regulations and policies, coordination among stakeholders, transport and warehousing facilities, the use of ICT and communication networks, developing human competence and transforming customs system is very high. Almost all of them were found to have a moderate contribution to the performance of the Agro-logistics with the exception of some variables. The study suggests maintaining alignment of logistics related legal framework, creating a platform that brings together the actors in the sector and investing on the state-of-the-art technology pays a lot and need to be given due attention.

Keywords: Agro-Logistics, Performance Improvement, Ethiopia, Logistics

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