Thursday, 13 Mar, 2025




Identification and Assessment of SAAL Supply Chain Risks in Iran Construction Industry with the HF-BWM

Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems

Volume 13 Issue 2

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Soheil Sadeghi, Samira Moghadasi | Author(s) Affiliation: Aria University of Sciences and Sustainability, Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran.
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The SAAL supply chain is the result of integrating four sustainable, antifragile, agile and lean chain approaches. Each type of supply chain approach has its requirements, which sometimes conflict with the provisions of other supply chain approaches. This research aims to identify the risks facing the SAAL supply chain in a chaotic environment. Due to the use of quantitative methods and its orientation, the current research is of a proof-of-concept and practical type and its methodology is multiple. The study’s statistical population comprises construction industry experts who were selected using the judgemental method for sampling. This research used two fuzzy Delphi and hierarchical fuzzy best-worst methods for data analysis. Initially, 63 risks were identified through background review and interviews with experts and these 63 risks were introduced in the form of 14 main risks. Each of these supply chain approaches has a specific type of risk. These risks were screened with fuzzy Delphi and 18 risks remained. Then, the remaining risks were prioritised using the hierarchical fuzzy best-worst method. The results showed that the risks of exchange rate fluctuations with an average weight of 0.0880 and the purchasing power of the people with an average weight of 0.0852 are among the risks of a sustainable approach in the first and second priority, respectively and financing problems with a weight of 0.0791 from the lean approach in the third place, Economic stability weighs 0.0759 from the sustainable approach in the fourth place, and s the highest priority in each of the components of the SAAL supply chain. Using new marketing methods, diversifying financing tools and team approaches, paying attention to effective techniques in consumer behaviour in the future and examining changes in customer buying behaviour and their causes are the most important suggestions of the research to respond to risk.

Keywords: Supply Chain Risk, SAAL Supply Chain, Antifragile, Chaos, Construction Industry

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