Investigation of Barriers and Enablers of Supply Chain Management Practices Success: Case of Ethiopian Textile and Garment Factories
Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Negawo Jebril Nurizman, Vikas Singla |
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This study focused on the investigation of barriers and enablers of supply chain management practices success. After extensive
literature review the author formulated research framework and two hypotheses. The data for the study was collected from 45 focal factories (textile and garment), seven input supplier factories, and 12 customers firms. The respondents were high level management of the mentioned firms such as CEOs, general managers, V/managers, operations/manufacturing managers,
purchasing managers, logistics managers, materials managers, quality managers, marketing managers, and finance managers. 370 effective questionnaires were collected, having a response rate of 82.3%. Before proceeding to hypothesis test, instrument validation was carried out, then the proposed relationships were tested using structural equation modeling. The result indicated that SCM practice enablers enhance the success of SCM practices while, barriers of SCM practices have a negative on the success of SCM practices.
Keywords: Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Practices, Supply Chain Management Barriers and Enablers
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