Sunday, 22 Dec, 2024




A Comparative Analysis of Trainees and Trainers Perceptions Regarding Training Programmes in Indian Banking Sector

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 7 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Athar Mahmood | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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The banking sector is one of the most important sectors of an economy. There is a vital need to address the issues pertaining to training holistically involving both the trainees and trainers in this key sector. The objective of the current study is to compare and analyse the trainee and trainer’s perceptions towards impact of training and development programmes in Indian banking sector. The perceptions of both are found to be different with respect to utility, whereas their perceptions are same when it comes to impact on performance and problems with trainings. Although both categories feel training has a positive impact on performance, the trainers, in comparison to trainees, perceive training has a much more significant impact on overall performance. It is suggested that gaps between training sessions be minimised, performance parameters be the main yardstick of measuring the effectiveness of a training programme, a dedicated training policy for training should be designed in consultation with both trainees and trainers and other problems with trainings be addressed while designing programmes.

Keywords: Banking, Comparison, Trainees, Trainers

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