A Study on Innovative HR Practices at Software Firms
Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Udaya Shankar S., R. R. Kulkarni |
Author(s) Affiliation: Proudhadevaraya Institute of Technology, Hosapete, Karnataka, India.
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Innovative HR practices are essential in organisations, especially in the IT industry, where the atmosphere is fast-paced and constantly evolving. Methods guarantee employees have the skills, knowledge and abilities to perform optimally in changing circumstances. Organisations must apply innovative HR policies & practices to maintain competitiveness and foster employee growth and satisfaction. The topic of innovative HR practices plays a very important role in any organisation. Employees benefit from modern HR approaches that enhance their engagement, development and satisfaction, leading to better performance and organisational success. The actual statement of the problem is to find and evaluate innovative HR practices in software-industries. This study aims to investigate implementing employee involvement in HR practices in software organisations in Bengaluru City. It focuses on how employees engage in activities such as connecting, discussing and identifying effective solutions to enhance operations.
Keywords: HR Practices, Softaware Firms, IT Sector
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