Sunday, 16 Feb, 2025




Challenges Associated with Work-Life Balance: A Meta-Analysis

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 9 Issue 2&3

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Sakshi Budhiraja, Saurabh Kant | Author(s) Affiliation: Institute of Mgt. Studies and Research (IMSAR), Maharshi Dayanand Univ., Rohtak, Haryana, India.
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The paper explains the hardships women employees face in their professional and personal lives. The territories of work and life are completely entangled due to cellular phones, laptops, and tablets. High-connectivity networks and easy availability of broadband are major contributors to the disturbing balance between personal and professional lives. Availability of secondary data enables in analysing the impact of lack of work-life balance on women’s careers, personal well-being, job performance, turnover intentions, organisational culture, and family life. A recent statistic highlighted that 60% of Indians ranked their quality of work-life balance from awful to average. Most of them have a medical condition resulting from work stress; 17% were insomniacs, 16% were fighting depression, 9% were struggling against anger issues and anxiety, while 4.5% had hypertension. Non-existence of a proper balance derails women’s careers, affects their job performance, intrudes into family space, and degrades mental and physical health, resulting in high turnover rates. Moreover, long working hours, the corporate culture, and inefficient organisational policies has worsened the situation for them.

Keywords: Working Women, Job Performance, Well-Being, Career Hindrances

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