Sunday, 23 Feb, 2025




Different Dimensions of Stress in Female Academicians and Administrators: A Detailed Review

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 11 Issue 3

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Neha Prakashbhai Mehta, Anjali Gokhru | Author(s) Affiliation: K. S. School of Management, Gujarat University, Gujarat, India.
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This review paper gives an insight into various factors and elements responsible for stress, with reference to women academicians and administrators. A detailed study explores various dimensions, which makes the study more informative. The work-life balancing techniques and the use of technology play a crucial role in day-to-day chores. The juggling between the different roles of women creates stress, but financial independence always acts as a motivator. Job security helps them realise their potential and achieve the unexpected. The challenges at the workplace are different for academicians and administrators, due to the nature of the job. So, the action and reaction to stress are also different, because they depend on the nature of the person facing them. Overall, it was observed that contentment of contribution towards self-growth, family growth, and nation at large will reduce stress. Adoption of technology and outsourcing various household duties create employment and economic growth. Meditation heals stress, which in turn makes women more creative.

Keywords: Stress, Academicians, Administrators, Self-Respect, Technology, Work-Life Balance

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