Sunday, 23 Feb, 2025




Drivers of Employee Engagement - A Chronological Literature Review Excluding India

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 8 Issue 1

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Sasmita Choudhury, Manoj Kumar Mohanty | Author(s) Affiliation: Manager-RBSK (NRHM) RGH, Rourkela, Odisha, India.
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In the era of rapidly changing globalization and diminishing value of geographical, political, and social boundaries, people are considered the only performing asset. Organizations have shifted from human resource model of operating to human resource management model, which takes care of each attribute of human value in terms of business performance. Generating and retaining engaged employees has become a top job for the human resource department and top management. Organizations have understood the requirement of talent, passion, and commitment in today’s business scenario. So, tracing the drivers of employee engagement is now a mandatory task. We are trying to explore the drivers of engagement through published literature and works throughout the world (excluding India). The span of the study is from 1990 to 2017. The countries covered under this study are USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, UAE, Australia, Malaysia, Ghana, Korea, Canada, New Zealand, Scotland, Shanghai, and South Africa.

Keywords: Employee Engagement, Engagement Drivers, Literature Review, Chronological Order, Countries Other than India

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