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Examining the Mediating Effect of Academic Performance on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Campus Placement Successamong Management Students

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Tejinderpal Singh | Author(s) Affiliation: University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India.
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The present study investigates the mediating effect of academic performance on the relationship between emotional intelligence and campus placement success among management students. For study purpose, a sample of 103 final year management students was taken from a selected business school in Chandigarh by using simple random sampling technique. A standardized scale, Trait Emotional Intelligence Scale- Short form (TEI-Que-SF) was used to collect the data. Statistical tools such as independent t-test, linear regression, logistic regression and Sobels test of mediation were used to draw the inferences. The study found that level of emotional intelligence was significantly higher among placed students than unplaced students. The study further found that there was complete and significant mediating effect of academic performance on the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance. The present study has implications for academic institutions in general and for business schools in specific. Based on the findings, it was suggested that business schools should focus on emotional intelligence aspect of the students which will result in better academic performance and better campus placement success. The present study has contributed to the literature by investigating the mediating effect of academic performance on the relationship between emotional intelligence and campus placement success among management students, that has not been studied so far.

Keywords: Academic Performance, Emotional Intelligence, Mediation Effect, Placement Success, Mediation Effect

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