Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




Gender Diversity in Boardrooms: Comparative Global Review and India

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Soumi Rai
Locked Subscribed Available for All


This paper seeks to review and highlight the aspect of lower women representation on Indian corporate boards through a comparative global outlook, portraying facts related to women participation in workforce, the business case for gender diversity, and the current situation in India with an attempt to understand factors that may be contributing to the above cause. The paper represents a comparative study across developed nations (viz. European countries, US, Canada) and some developing nations to understand where they stand in the current perspective related to women representation on Corporate Boards. Effort is to highlight and suggest future directions of empirical research which may be conducted on this very issue towards enhancing women empowerment in decisional roles across organizations, upgrading their social status and bringing this gender at equivalence with male counterpart in a country, biased in gender outlook and emancipation

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