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Impact of the use of Social Networking Sites on Employer Branding Techniques in Indian IT Firms

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 9 Issue 2&3

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Monika Punn | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of HR and Marketing, Asia-Pacific Inst. of Mgt., New Delhi, India.
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Employer branding is a method adopted by organisations to brand their image in the market. By using this practice, organisations brand themselves to attract potential candidates for prospective job vacancies. Over a period of time, companies have realised that the selection of potential job seekers is the most important function of the human resource department in any organisation, and with the rising use of social networking sites, these organisations have got a new platform to brand themselves, by providing information related to their work culture, corporate social responsibility, working environment, and future career prospects. This research paper focuses on the impact of the use of social networking sites on employer branding techniques in Indian IT firms, from both the recruiter’s and the job seeker’s perspective, by means of two separate questionnaires. Around 417 job seekers and 121 recruiters participated in the research from IT companies in India. The sampling method chosen for research was Stratified Random Sampling, where data collected from job seekers was analysed using regression analysis and data from recruiters was analysed using paired sample T-test. The findings of the study suggest that there is a positive impact of the use of social networking sites on employer branding, from both the job seeker’s and recruiter’s perspectives, and its use is expected to rise in the future. The result is analysed by taking a few independent variables like innovation, market leadership, and employee focus into consideration.

Keywords: IT Recruitment, Social Media, Recruitment through Social Networking Sites, Recruitment through LinkedIn, Employer Branding Techniques

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