Sunday, 23 Feb, 2025




Pathways to Devolution of Records Management in Kenya

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 12 Issue 2&3

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Elijah Nchoga Nyamberi, Cephas Odini, Damaris Odero | Author(s) Affiliation: School of Information Science, Department of Library and Records Management, Moi University, Kenya.
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Devolution of records management (DORM) is a complex, least understood but vital records management reform able to support devolution programmes being embraced in many countries worldwide. This paper investigated pathways to challenges undermining DORM to county governments or local governments: a study of four counties in Kenya in order to come up with appropriate pathways or strategies to counter the challenges. The research questions of this study were: what challenges undermines DORM to county governments in Kenya; which pathways are relevant in countering the challenges that undermine devolution of records management? This study adopted a qualitative approach because of the contemporary and complex nature of the research problem. The selection of the multi case type of case study design for this research was guided by the purpose of the study which was to explore “a case”. The research’s study area comprised of four sites namely: Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia and Vihiga which were purposively selected on the basis of resources and efficiency. The key finding of this study is that records management (RM) was not effectively supporting counties implement devolution because of the challenges which undermined devolution of records management. These obstacles were: an attitude county have that DORM was not apriority; haphazard closure and transfer of records of devolved functions to counties; inadequate records management infrastructure and insufficient resources to support DORM. Suitable strategies to counter the established challenges of devolution of RM include: prioritisation of DORM; establishment of a criterion on closure and transfer of records of devolved functions; design and redesign of relevant records systems; modernise records management infrastructure and devolution of sufficient resources in terms of funds and human to support DORM. It is recommended that proper DORM programme could achieve more for Kenya’s devolved government were the following RM practices prioritised: developing and enforcing a good practice based criteria on transfer of records of devolved functions to County Governments (CG); design and redesign existing records systems according to the business and records requirements of CGs; enact RM infrastructure supportive of DORM, DORM of programme be adequately supported in terms of budget, human resource and facilities.

Keywords: Kenya, Pathway, Devolution, Records Management, Challenges

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