Re-thinking workforce diversity in the context of India
Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Soumi Rai |
Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, NICMAR, Pune & Scholar, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India.
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Workforce diversity refers to a model of inclusion that reflects a globalized economy and a multicultural workforce where diversity
of thoughts and perspectives, based on individual differences are leveraged by organizations for growth and progression (Harvey 2012). This
study is focused on understanding aspects of Diversity that is cultural (impact of national culture), generational or gender-related, and its
imperatives-cum-constraints in managing a diverse workforce in India through a critical literature review process. The context of this study is
rooted in the challenges being faced by both MNEs and local Indian managers towards managing expectations and aspirations of a globally
dynamic and knowledge intensive workforce that is in a phase of rapid metamorphosis and transition from being only Indian to being Global Desis.
Keywords: Cultural, Diversity, Gender, Generational, India, Workforce.
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