Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




Recruitment and Selection Techniques in Manufacturing and Service Organizations Operating in India

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 1 Issue 3

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Subhash C. Kundu, Desh Rattan, V ed Pal Sheera, Neha Gahlawat | Author(s) Affiliation: Subhash C. Kundu, Professor, Haryana School of Business, GJUST, Hisar, India
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Primary data based on 426 respondents were analyzed to compare the recruitment and selection techniques being practiced by Manufacturing and Service organizations operating in India. For the analysis of the data, statistical tools such as latent trait model, percentages, means and standard deviations were used. This study explored that recruitment and selection practices vary across industrial sector in India. Service companies use recruitment methods more vigorously in comparison to Manufacturing companies. The most practiced recruitment methods in Manufacturing companies are direct applicants, placement consultants, employee referrals and company websites. At the same time, recruitment methods adopted by Service companies are employee referrals, job portals, temporary staffing, head hunting, advertisement in newspapers and company websites. When it comes to selection, methods found to be applied in Manufacturing companies are written tests and general interview. In case of Service companies, the methods are written tests and tests on specific skills. Implications and limitations of the study were also discussed.

Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, HRM, India, Manufacturing Companies, Service Companies, Latent Trait Model

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