Sunday, 16 Feb, 2025




The Relation Between Probability of Success and Competency Level

Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management

Volume 1 Issue 3

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Ratan Ch. Chakraborty | Author(s) Affiliation: Directorate of Commercial Taxes, Government of West Bengal, Kolkata, India
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The purpose of this paper is to derive a mathematical relationship between the probability of success and competency level of any individual in an activity. A deductive approach has been employed here to derive the mathematical relation. The probability of success has been found to be an exponential function of the competency level. The work of this paper would be the threshold for further research in constructing a valid and reliable scale of measurement for competency level in every activity. The individuals, by means of this relation, could prepare themselves in better a way to participate in any event and the HR professionals could more effectively modulate training programmes. In addition to this, the employers, instead of using the elimination process, may also use the relation for selecting appropriate human resources for the posts of their organisations. This paper is the first in its category to derive the mathematical relationship between probability of success and competency level.

Keywords: Probability of Success, Performance, Activity, Competency Level, Human Resources, Training.

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