Monday, 10 Feb, 2025




A Review of the Recall Process for Failing Medications in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research

Volume 14 Issue 1

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Vasundhara Saxena, Adarsh Tomar, Vikas Sharma and Rahul Kaushik | Author(s) Affiliation: Anand School of Pharmacy, Sharda University Agra Campus, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
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The pharmaceutical industry plays a pivotal role in public health by providing essential medications. However, flawed medications can have severe consequences for patients and healthcare systems. This article provides a thorough examination of the process and implications of recalling flawed medications. It delves into the various challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies, regulators, and healthcare professionals in identifying and addressing medication flaws. The article also discusses the significant consequences of medication recalls, including potential harm to patients, financial burdens, and damage to a company’s reputation. Furthermore, it explores innovative solutions and strategies to minimize the occurrence of medication recalls and streamline the recall process when necessary. By shedding light on this critical aspect of the healthcare industry, this article aims to contribute to a safer and more effective medication supply chain, ultimately ensuring the well-being of patients and the integrity of the pharmaceutical sector.

Keywords: Challenges, Flawed medications, Pharmaceutical industry, Recalling.

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