Wednesday, 05 Feb, 2025




Comparative Analysis of Argon2 and Bcrypt Security Methods to Strengthen Password Security

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research

Volume 13 Issue 2

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Kuldeep Chouhan, Shivam Singh, Atul Kaintyura and Amar Kumar Mahato | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept of Comp. Sci. and Applications, School of Engg and Tech, Sharda Univ., Greater Noida, UP
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This study compares the password security techniques between Argon2 and Bcrypt to determine an optimal approach to prevent cyber-attacks and manage memory utilization using actual data and study. We examine numerous datasets and studies to regulate the aids and drawbacks of Argon2 and Bcrypt, focusing on defending against attacks and the use of memory. According to our data, Argon2 outperforms Bcrypt due to its superior memory management and resistance to brute force attacks. The data also highlights Argon2’s capability to defend against new GPU-based attacks, where Bcrypt shows its flaws. This work proposes to enhance the application of Argon2 and prove that Argon2 is an optimal possibility to increase password security through this study and compares the password security techniques using Argon2 and Bcrypt. This work examines numerous data sets and studies to determine the benefits and drawbacks of Argon2 and Bcrypt focused on defending against attacks and using memory.

Keywords: Argon2, Bcrypt, Cyber-Attacks, Graphical processing unit, Memory optimization, Password security.

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