Monday, 10 Feb, 2025




Coronavirus Pandemic: Clear and Present Danger

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research

Volume 14 Issue 1

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Anam Farooqui, Farha Bano and Sher Ali | Author(s) Affiliation: Vgenomics, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Scientists, clinicians, health care personnel and policy makers were all taken aback with a sudden spurt of Coronavirus pandemic that had impacted every nation raising many issues related to the life of a common man. Now, the impact of the pandemic has subsided and people have resumed their routine. However, the present situation should not be taken to be the reason for complacency. Instead, we must be prepared to face this or similar challenges in future. A wrong decision taken in one country has its far-reaching consequences world over. One has seen the ever-mounting death toll in some countries for their delayed or incorrect decisions. Clearly, we need to understand the virulency of the Coronavirus and its biology in the context of herd immunity, symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, resistant and susceptible genomes and human immune system. In addition, comorbidity has its own impact on the human genome which not only makes a person more susceptible but less responsive to the medications. The electronic media has now become a double edge sword, not knowing its own limit, disregarding the effect of unedited or poorly edited news focusing only on its target rating point (TRP). Thus, along with relevant information, several wrong ones are also propagated. Too much in/correct news does not allow us to use our judicious prerogative. Further, the blame game makes the job of caregivers a lot more complicated. The other dimension of the present peril is that several African countries, though have modest amounts of money to buy medicine, masks, and protective gear, were not allowed to do so because of the International Sanctions. The circumstances dictated us to use all our resources to contain this pandemic and be on the same page. Promulgation of lockdown was an attractive option but not without its severe consequences. Taiwan had managed this pandemic very well without a lockdown, as did Sweden and New Zealand. However, timely lockdowns in the UK and USA would have saved many lives. These instances are contradictory and call for due deliberation. Thus, each country has to evolve its own strategy keeping in view the local dynamics and long-term perspectives. Present overview is aimed to provide a judicious mix of critical information in a semi-scientific manner highlighting the ground realities faced by the common people including the logistics used by the government machinery to contain this pandemic. This article also covers social, financial, emotional aspects and problems comfaced by the caregivers and law enforcement agencies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, civility of the highest order and greed of the worst kind both were witnessed. We need to fine-tune our civility and act as responsible global citizens avoiding superstition and complacency, not blaming anyone for anything, and extending our helping hand to others as much as possible. Even now, we must be prepared to face the aftermath of this pandemic and to undertake an uphill task of rebuilding the society, nations and the world.

Keywords: Corona conundrum, Doomsday, Global citizen, Infectious disease, Information influx, Pandemic aftermath, Unsafe world.

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