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In Vitro Culture-An Alternative Method for The Enhanced Production of Some Volatile Components of Ocimum Citriodorum Vis.

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Anamika Tripathi, N. S. Abbas, Amrita Nigam | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Ocimum plants are highly valued for their effective antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant and therapeutic activities. These properties are attributed to some active metabolites. In order to enhance and develop an alternative source for the production of such active components, a comparative study was carried out. Composition of volatile organic compounds emitted by in vitro shoots, calli derived from leaf and nodal explant of Ocimum citriodorum Vis. were studied using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) and compared to those emitted by mother plants. Solvent extraction method was used for obtaining essential oils from the samples. Total 18 volatile compounds from the leaf extract of mother plant, 14 volatile compounds from the leaf extract of in vitro regenerated plants, 5 volatile compounds from the calli derived from leaf and 10 volatile compounds from the calli derived from nodal explant were identified. The content of nerol (2.44%) and geranylacetate (1.53%) was greater in in vitro regenerated plantlets than in comparison to mother plant (nerol- 0.88% and geranylacetate- 0.32%). Seven new compounds (isocaryophyllene, b-farnesene, b-himachalene, globulol, geranylformate, b-citronellylacetate, citronellylisobutyrate) were identified from the in vitro regenerated plants while six and three new compounds were identified from the calli derived from nodal explant (geraniol, trans-b-bergamotene, b-longipinene, bergamotene, geranylformate and b-citronellyacetate) and leaf (b-curcumene, trans-b-bergamotene, b-citronellol) respectively. From the present study, it can be concluded that in vitro propagated plants as well as calli derived from leaf and nodal segment may be used as an alternate source for the increased production of bioactive compounds.

Keywords: Ocimum Citriodorum Vis., GC-MS, Monoterpenes, Sesquiterpenes, Phenolic Terpenes, Terpene Esters

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