Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025




Role of Dietary Supplements: Post Dengue Complications

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research

Volume 11 Issue 2

Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: Hrithika Panday, Abhimanyu Kumar Jha, Niraj Kumar Jha and Saurabh Kumar Jha | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of Biotechnology, School of Engineering and Tech., Sharda Univ., Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
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Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease that has expanded over the world, affecting millions of people. In current age of numerous circulating viruses, we must be aware of the challenges to fight against infections. Since viruses are constantly mutating, combating them is a challenging undertaking. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle may become a topic of contention in the battle against viral infections and have a role in reducing the risk of infection. The relationship connecting diet with various infections is quite extensively recognized, therefore modifying dietary intake frequently gives a straightforward low-cost approach to halting dissemination, lowering predisposition, and amplifying disease impact on viruses that produce an array of chronic infectious diseases and other severe infections. Various diseases have been cured by modifying the patient’s diet and adding the necessary nutrients to give the patient immunity such as yogurt, vegetable juices, fruits, etc. Since ancient times, phytochemicals such as alkaloids, flavonoids, and other secondary metabolites derived from plant extracts have been utilized to treat a variety of medical problems. These plants may aid in antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer, and other significant metabolic activities. Aside from vaccine development, finding effective antiviral drugs is crucial for preventing viral infections.

Keywords: Arthropod-borne virus, Dengue, Diet food, Dietary supplements, Nutritional values, Phytochemicals.

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