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A Bibliometric Assessment of Global Literature on Twitter and Libraries During 2007-14

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Ritu Gupta, S. M. Dhawan, B. M. Gupta, Neeraj Kumar | Author(s) Affiliation:
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The present study examines 200 global publications on Twitter and Libraries as indexed in Scopus ranging from 2007 to 2014. The study reported 59.55% compound aggregate growth rate per annum and an average impact of 3.46 citations per publication. On the whole, researches on Twitter and Libraries came from 36 countries, of which the top 11 accounted for 89% of global publication share during 2007-14. A total of 164 organizations and 160 authors participated in global research on Twitter and Library during 2007-14, of which the top 18 organizations contributed 36% publications share and accounted for 54.27% citations share. The top 12 authors contributed 24.50% publications share and accounted for 43.13% citation share. The USA is world leader in research output on Twitter and libraries. Social sciences, among subjects, contributed the largest publications share of 66.0%, followed computer science (55.5%), business, management & accounting (5.5%), decision sciences (5.0%) engineering (5.0%) and medicine (3.0%) during 2007-14. Of the total global publications, 132 appeared in 78 journals, of which the top 14 journals accounted for 43.18% of the journal output. The top 14 highly cited papers varied from 12 to 52 citations per paper, and together these papers accounted for 322 citations, leading to the average 23 citations per paper. Based on existing studies, the authors suggest the need to accelerate the pace of research on this subject, in particular underlined the need to carry out a more comprehensive research on innovative applications of Twitter to libraries, and to learn about their actual usage, problems encountered and perception of users and librarians.

Keywords: Twitter, Social Media, Microblogging, Application, Libraries, Publications, Bibliometrics

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