Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025




An Informatics Presentation of KVKs Libraries, Infrastructure with Special Reference To Information Communication Technologies in India

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Shayamdeo Gond, Sharad Kumar Sonker | Author(s) Affiliation: Doctoral Fellow, Dept of Lib. and Information Scie., Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Univ. Lucknow, U.P.
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Libraries are playing pivotal role in knowledge buildings and are accepted as spiritual institutions equal to our religions places. These institutions are enlightening people with knowledge and helps us to have better means of life. Knowledge is a power which spreads peace and helps needy people to nurture themselves with light. Government of India enhances our libraries from time to time to aware people about new innovations, discoveries in the fields of science and technology. Similarly, new programmes where launched to support people from all grounds (like, students, teachers, entrepreneur’s, academicians, and farmers etc). Community based programmes has been launched to aware people about water management, agricultural activities and financial help. This paper will try, to find out the information communication technology infrastructure available in KVK’S libraries. To explore the collection and services offered by the KVK’S libraries for the users. Methodology, this paper is based on primary study 3-4 % of the population has been investigated by the help of well-designed questionnaire and analysis has been carried with the help descriptive statistics. The findings of this paper show that ICT in KVKS libraries is still under developing stage. The services are very limited for its users. KVKS libraries need more budget to facilitate users and other people who are taking help from these libraries directly or indirectly.

Keywords: KVK’S Libraries, Farmers, Services, Infrastructure

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