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Bibliometric Study of Annals of Library and Information Studies (2003 to 2014)

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management

Volume 4 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Shrutika Sinha, Sharad Kumar Sonkar, Anubhav Shah | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Author concerns the bibliometric study of the journal entitle Annals of Library and Information studies from the period 2003 to 2014. Bibliometric is a branch of Information science which contributed quantitative evaluation of publication patterns of all macro and micro communication along with their authorships by mathematical and statistical calculation. It can be applied to any branch of subject or subject area. Bibliometrics analysis is a process to establish the relationship between one works to other research works by mathematical and statistical calculations. The study covers the total numbers of articles, authorship pattern, subject wise classification of the contributions, geographical area wise contributions etc. The researcher founded that out of 364 articles, 124 articles contributed by single author while the rest articles were contributed by multiple authors. The study concluded merits/demerits of the journal which will be helpful for its further evaluation. Study reveals that maximum numbers of contributions are from India.

Keywords: Bibliometric Study, Scientometrics Assessment, Authorship Pattern, NISCAIR

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